Thursday, July 9, 2009

another popular movie that clearly ends in blood-based substitutionary atonement

Gran Torino, that is. It was rough, but understandable considering the context.

And here is the "another" one I had in mind.


Daniel Thompson said...

While I did enjoy the film a great deal, I thought that particular part (sub atonement) was one of the few things in the movie that was a little over the top in its portrayal.

Anonymous said...

That movie was a huge surprise and quickly became one of my favorites, both for the redemption themes, and for Clint Eastwood acting like an old curmudgeon. I've never heard people laugh so hard at completely inappropriate racial epithets! :)

jim thompson said...

d... the "over-the-topness" probably had to to with the priest character and CE dying in the form of a cross. while i agree with you, it's clarity [sub atnmnt] is the thing that still blows my mind.

Brandon said...

i just watched this last night... great movie...