Sunday, May 17, 2009


I cannot tell a lie. It's my favorite TV show. I really do hope they come back and do a third season. It seems to be the perfect combination of comedy, drama, action, attempted hilarity, weird love triangles, secret government cheese, and late 80s/early 90s inside jokes. Also, I just recently found out that the main dude, Zachary Levi, is born-again brother in Christ. So, I've been praying for him that the Lord would use him mightily. He seems like a legit fellow.

My job on my set, I believe, is to first just love people and gain that trust with people where they know that I really do love them and care about their well-being, so that when they are running into problems, they will hopefully, at some point, come to me and ask me, “What is your peace all about? What is your comfort all about? Where do you get your love? Where do you get your talents? And I can turn to them and say without blinking, 'Jesus Christ.'"
Praise God for believers who are talented and bright enough to ride the crest of the wave of culture in Hollywood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's so awesome! Love hearing about stuff like that. Gives me hope for Hollywood and the entertainment industry.