Monday, February 25, 2008

YHWH is merciful

Sara and I live in an apartment complex with a high population of Indians. We often get mail for guys who used to live there. It’s fun to see their different names. Most of the mail we get that is not ours comes for some guy named Brahim. By the looks of things, he had at least a dozen credit cards. The other day we got mail for someone new. His name is my favorite so far.

Manojkumarbalan Parambath.

I really want to know what he goes by and what’s short for that. Perhaps his parents blindly reached in the Scrabble bag and each grabbed 7 letters to see what they could make. I'm not bashing because I doubt they think that "Jim" is the coolest name around. Well, when I saw his name, it reminded me of the longest name in the Bible. It was the prophet Isaiah’s son. His name was Maher-shalal-hash-baz. It means “swift is the booty, speedy is the prey.” Then my train of thought went to one of the best Old Testament names that has a cool meaning. 1 Chronicles 3.19-20 says that Zerubbabel had a son named Jushab-hesed. For this, a little explanation is needed. Stay with me.

Zerubbabel led the first band of Jews home from the Babylonian Captivity. God’s special people were returning to the land He had promised them. They were again being liberated from bondage. They had seen that the exile was because of their own stiff-necked rebellion to YHWH. But He remained faithful. YHWH’s faithfulness is where the beauty of this name is found. After witnessing the mighty hand of YHWH to rescue His people, what else could Zerubbabel name his son but Jushab-hesed, “mercy is brought back.”
Remember my affliction and my wandering. Surely my soul remembers and is bowed down within me. This I recall to mind, therefore I have hope. The Lord’s mercies never cease; His compassions never fail; they are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness [Lam 3.19-23].


Anonymous said...

देवबंद में आयोजित देश के सर्वोच्च इस्लामिक सम्मेलन में आतंकवाद की सभी कार्रवाई को ग़ैर इस्लामी कहा गया है और इसकी आलोचना की गई है.

Your friend,


Dulos said...

WOW!! You have an international following!!!! ROCK ON BO!

Nathan said...


Dulos said...

Dude, the language is "Mangal" you can download that font, and then you should be able to translate!